Last updated Nov 7h, 2024
The "activist" name and logos are trademarks of, currently operated by cc&p, registered temporarily at the address of Impact Hub Berlin.
We are in the process of establishing a formal association in Switzerland, a country renowned for its strong legal protections for privacy and freedom of expression.
Their use is restricted and protected under intellectual property law. While the software we create is available under a free and open-source software license, the copyright license does not include an implied right or license to use our trademarks.
The role of trademarks is to prevent the exploitation of the good name and reputation of by other individuals or organizations and to provide assurance about the quality of the products and services associated with it.
To use our trademarks beyond what is considered "fair" or "nominative" use, you must follow these guidelines. By making use of our trademarks, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.
You agree to defend and indemnify from and against any and all claims and losses brought by a third party in connection with your use of the trademarks.
To request the use of the Activist name and logos in a way not covered in these guidelines, or to report violations, please contact us at If we do not approve such use within fourteen (14) business days, your request shall be deemed denied.
General Guidelines
Accurate Identification: Only use the Activist marks to accurately identify goods or services that are built by the organization.
No Endorsement Implication: Do not use the Activist marks in any way that could mistakenly imply that has reviewed, approved, or guaranteed your goods or services.
No Registration of Marks: Do not use or register, in whole or in part, the Activist marks as part of your own or any other trademark, service mark, domain name, company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
No Disparagement: Do not use the Activist marks in a manner that disparages or defames the marks,, or other products associated with
Referential Use: You may use the Activist word mark in referential phrases such as "for," "as found on," etc.
Embedding Content: You may use the Activist marks when embedding or displaying user-generated content published using the Activist software.
No Modifications: Do not change or modify the Activist marks aside from color adjustments consistent with our branding guidelines.
Ownership of Marks: Any and all use of the Activist marks, and any goodwill accrued as a result of that use, belongs entirely to, and shall inure for the benefit of,
Open Source Project Guidelines
If you choose to build on or modify Activist's open-source code, beyond modifications limited to switching on or off features already included in the software, minor tweaks in visual appearance, translations into other languages, and bug fixes:
Use Your Own Branding: You must choose your own branding, logos, and trademarks that denote your unique identity to clearly signal to users that there is no affiliation with or endorsement by
Referential Statements: You may use our word marks, but not our logos, in truthful statements that describe the relationship between your software and ours. For example, "This software is derived from the source code of"
Social Media Guidelines
No Misleading Use: Activist logos cannot be used in a way that might suggest affiliation with or endorsement by on social media platforms.
Profile Naming: Do not use "Activist" in your social media account names, handles, or avatars in a manner that may confuse others into thinking your accounts are officially affiliated with
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Trademark Policy.
We welcome feedback from our users and are always looking for ways to improve our platform and better serve our community.
Last updated