Support us
Let’s build the best free, secure, open-source activism platform.
We are building a platform that enables more people to safely engage in activism by making it easy to discover organizations and events as well as coordinate and collaborate on political action. We want to enable activists to learn proven and novel strategies from each other for social and ecological change. Free, open-source, privacy-focused and governed by our community.
But we need your help to make this vision a reality.
There are several ways you can contribute: by sharing your skills, amplifying our reach or supporting us financially. Please consider how you might support us in one or more of these areas.
Join us in building and enhancing the platform that empowers activists worldwide. Whether you're a coder, translator, campaign strategist, artist, or legal consultant, your skills can make a significant impact.
Find the group that matches your interest and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
We'd be happy to acknowledge your efforts on our supporters page.
Help us amplify our message and reach a broader audience. If you have an audience — be it through social media, journalism, or other platforms — you can play a crucial role in spreading the word about our platform.
Connect with Us on Social Media: Share our content and updates to increase our visibility.
Collaborate on Campaigns: Partner with us to create impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. We'd love to hear your ideas on how we can work together.
Connect with us to start the conversation.
Financial support
Our goal as a community is to keep the platform free and inclusive for all of our network of organizations and users. We believe that contributing is a privilege not everyone can afford — many people must devote most of their time to earning a living and can't volunteer their work for free. By donating, you enable us to compensate these contributors fairly and cover our recurring costs like infrastructure and tools.
Support as you wish:
Donate to our fiscal host Änderwerk and receive a donation receipt (in Germany)\
Account holder: Änderwerk gGmbH IBAN: DE46 4306 0967 1289 8604 00 BIC: GENODEM1GLS GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG Reference:
Join our membership program on Patreon
Soon available:
Support us via OpenCollective
Become a Github sponsor
Send us crypto to our Wallet if you want to stay anonymous
Fund a specific issue or feature via Polar
We need support from our community in countless ways. By contributing your skills, amplifying our reach, or supporting us financially, you help us develop a platform that empowers activists.
A full list of our supporters can be found here.
Thank you.
Last updated